Monday, August 4, 2008

F = GMm/R² = ROFLMAO!!!!1!11


What a nutty weekend I had. Wow! I never thought I'd say this, but T.G.I.M.! Thank God it's Monday!

Or Thank God I'm Me! But I always say that one...heh heh.

Hey all. Lordy! I sure am glad to be done with that Sabbath. Let Me start off by, well...not apologizing per se. I don't apologize. I need no forgiveness. I'm God. I'm the almighty forgiver...or the eternally wrathful judge, depending on whether or not you have complete, undying and blind faith in Me and My works and/or fear the LAKE OF FIRE. At any rate, I want you to know that I realize I came off a little testy in My last couple of posts. I can get like that when I'm totally stressed out and have little-or-no recourse of alleviating the tension. Usually My squeeze ball does wonders, but not this time. I was in some dire straights.

What's My squeeze ball, you ask? Well you'll just have to wait for that one after I'm done not apologizing for being Mr. Noah Snark last week.

So, yeah...I figured out the problem. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you should stop right here and read this....and then this. Consider it required reading, just like The Bible. In faith, depending on how well this blog goes, I'm entertaining the notion of publishing these musings. Don't worry. I'm not gonna make it The New Testament 2.0 or anything cheesy like that (although that's not a bad title). I'd make it more of a companion piece to The Bible. kinda the way The Silmarillion was a companion piece to Tolkien's oeuvre. But much more accessible. Because, really...have you ever tried to wade through The Silmarillion? I mean...damn.

Not really damn, though. I really should be more careful with flinging that term around, huh?

Damn, I'm all over the place today! it's like I got ADD or something.

Any(Iam)who(am)...back on track. So last week I had a problem with Steve and his CSRs being overwhelmed by your prayers even though I intelligent designed a flawless filtering process to ensure that all your prayers were addressed to the proper channels, thus allowing Me to just relax on My damn vacation and enjoy the splendors of this finely tuned and irreducibly complex creation without being bothered by the minutiae of your eternally myriad and often trifling requests for guidance, boons and deliverance.

GASP! That was a mouthful. Even for Me.

Well, My filtering system was not as flawless as I thought it was. There was one unforeseen faithor (albeit understandably unforeseen as, in the 6,500+ years [give or take] that this creation has been in motion, this faithor was never possible, let alone probable). And I bet you can guess what that faithor was.

Go on! Give it a guess. I have faith that you know it. I have so much faith, in faith, that I'll give you three guessessessezzzz (heh...get the Tolkien reference? Yeah! God reads!) and if you don't get it...LAKE OF FIRE!

Nah...I'm just funnin'. I'll tell you.

It was Lucifer B. Satan himself.

Of COURSE!!! Lucy B. pulled a stunt that has been heretofore unprecedented; unthinkable even (and, rather brilliant, I must admit). And it was this that totally harshed My mellow. It was then, when I was at My lowest, when I was just about to whip it out and start peeing on everything again (for 80 days and 80 nights this time) when I had a divine inspiration. I asked Steve to take a sample cross-section of the prayers, about a million, and run a quick traceroute on their source. 98.2% of them were coming from the same point of presence. I then knew what was up.

As you may already know, Hell is (aside from somewhere you go to eternally get your soul slowly flayed by the flaming maws of Seventh-Circle sear maggots) the absence of God. As such, Satan has been vigilant about keeping any of his subjects, including himself, from any whiff, any notion, any hope of Me. Prayer, of course, was right the frick out.

See...remember how I told you that I intelligent designed My prayer filter to pass through legitimate prayers for guidance, boons and deliverance from evil originating from the truly penitent and/or sincere? Well, when Lucy B. caught word that I was going on vacation, he did something utterly vile: he finally allowed everyone in Hell to pray.

What a dick.

Being as that those in Hell are now, after they've been damned (too little, too late, bitches!), completely faithful to Me and penitent of their mortal sins, their prayers were forwarded directly to Steve and His CSRs. The effect was nigh on catastrophic. Lucifer B. damn-near shut down Heaven. In short, Satan almost brought Us down, at least My vacation, with the greatest denial-of-service attack in the history of My 6,500+-year-old (give or take) creation.

Seriously...what a dick!

Whatever. We handled it once we knew the point of fault. One quick tweak to the filter rules and everything was back to normal. I could relax again. Steve could stop flagellating Himself for failing Me. Life...was...beautiful.

Except for those assholes down in Hell who were praying to Me. They got this auto-response:


Dear penitent one,

This is an auto-response to inform you that I have received your prayer. I thank you for your faith. Your prayers are God's food. I would respond to you personally, however I am currently on vacation in Sarasota, basking in the temperate sunshine and enjoying My intelligent designs of coconut rum, silicone implants and thong bikinis.

How are things in Hell?

I regret to inform you that your request(s) for guidance, boons and/or deliverance from evil has/have been denied. Neither I nor My host of Seraphim and/or Cherubim see fit to grant holy favors to anyone as vile and iniquitous as you. You must be high, or at least mildly retarded, to think I or any deserving of My Love would grant such a request. I'm not exactly sure what happens down there in Hell, but I hope they heap it seven times 700 (the product of which I'm not entirely sure, as I'm not that great at math...but I'm pretty sure it's one of the largest numbers imaginable) on you just for trying to pull a fast one on Us up here in paradise, where everything is fluffy clouds and puppy noses.

I will give you this word of advise, however: when you scream in agony as Pit Imps of the Deep, who have ice picks for penises, are raping your extremities by gouging their members underneath your toe and finger nails before they ejaculate into the bloodied tips of your phalanges some hellish tincture of lemon juice and sodium, don't cry. It makes you look like a little girl.

Give My Love to Satan. And by "Love" I mean "punch him in the junk".

Lift up your heart...but not really.

God Almighty


There! Problem solved.

So that's why I was so pissy last week. That's why I couldn't relax. That's why My beloved squeeze ball didn't work.

And I know you've been waiting patiently to know what My squeeze ball is. I once wrote in My best-seller The Bible (pick it up on Amazon for only $4.95!!! Or from a hotel room for FREE!!!), "Ask and you shall receive." Well here it is.

It's Earth, My children! Earth is my squeeze ball.

After all, what do you think causes gravity?!?

Lift up your hearts...really.

God Almighty

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear God,
I too have a squeeze ball. In fact, I have a 2 piece set I carry with me in a sealed pre-leather casing. Every time I squeeze one of them softly its as if a gentle Vesper rises up to carry me upon angels wings into the bossom of Heaven. When I squeeze them with violent wrathful anger I hear the screams of millions of Souls writhing in agony. Does this mean I too am God?

Thank you,